Optimal Control Blog

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Optimal Control via Dynamic Programming

The Optimal Control Problem

To recap from my last post (was that in September? yikes!), the optimal control problem boils down to finding an admissible control \( \def\uvec{\boldsymbol u} \uvec^* \in U \) which will cause the system, itself described by \[ \def\avec{\boldsymbol a} \def\xvec{\boldsymbol x} \dot\xvec(t) = \avec(\xvec(t), \uvec(t), t), \] to follow an admissible trajectory \( \xvec^* \in X \) which will minimize the performance measure \[ J = h(\xvec(t_f), t_f) + \int_{t_0}^{t_f} g(\xvec(t),\uvec(t),t)\,dt. \] We seek to find this in the form of an optimal control law or policy \( \boldsymbol f \) such that \[ \uvec^*(t) = \boldsymbol f(\xvec(t), t). \] This post will discuss the use of dynamic programming in optimization

Dynamic Programming

Consider a discrete-time version of the system above: \[ \xvec([k+1] Δt) ≈ \xvec(kΔt) + Δt ⋅ \avec\left(\xvec(kΔt), \uvec(kΔt), kΔt\right). \] More precisely, and using the notation \( \text{—}[k] ≡ \text{—}(kΔt) \), the discrete-time system equation is \[ \def\dscrt{_{\mathrm D}} \xvec[k+1] = \avec\dscrt\left(\xvec[k], \uvec[k], k\right). \] The performance measure can be discretized thus: \[ J = h(x(NΔt)) + \int_0^{Δt} g\,dt + \int_{Δt}^{2Δt} g\,dt + ⋯ + \int_{(N-1)Δt}^{NΔt} g\,dt, \] which can be approximated by \[ J ≈ h(x[N]) + Δt \sum_{k=0}^{N-1}g(\xvec[k], \uvec[k]), \] or it can be exactly expressed by \[ J = h(x[N]) + \sum_{k=0}^{N-1}g\dscrt(\xvec[k], \uvec[k]). \] (Note that \( \avec\dscrt \) and \( g\dscrt \) are not merely the linearized approximations to \( \avec \) and \( g \), but have been defined to be exact over the time period in question. Note also that for simplicity I have assumed a time-invariant system.)

Now to discuss dynamic programming we need some tedious notation:

\( \alpha \) the current state
\( u_i \) an allowable decision (control)
\( x_i \) a state adjacent to \( \alpha \), reachable by applying control \( u_i \)
\( h \) the final state
\( J_{\alpha x_i} \) the cost of moving from current state \( \alpha \) to adjacent state \( x_i \)
\( J_{x_i h}^* \) the minimum cost to reach final state \( h \) from arbitrary state \( x_i \)
\( C_{\alpha x_i h}^* \) the minimum cost to reach final state \( h \) from current state \( \alpha \) via adjacent state \( x_i \)
\( J_{\alpha h}^* \) the minimum cost to reach final state \( h \) from current state \( \alpha \) via any allowable path
\( u^*(\alpha) \) the optimal decision (control) at current state \( \alpha \)

See Wikipedia on optimal substructure and the Bellman equation for details on this, but for our purposes the Principle of Optimality implies \[ C_{\alpha x_i h}^* = J_{\alpha x_i} + J_{x_i h}^*, \] and the optimal decision \( u^*(\alpha) \in {u_i} \) is the one that leads to \[ J_{\alpha h}^* = \mathrm{min}\{C_{\alpha x_i h}^*\}. \]

Next time: determining a recurrence relation for the optimal cost function.

Posted in control theory on
Tags: Control Systems and Dynamic Programming.